Welcome to our new website

Firstly, a big thank you to everybody who has contributed time, money and ideas to make this website happen, we couldn’t have done it without you.

This new website forms part of a broader re-launch for the organisation as we continue to grow, develop and reform ourselves in order to make change in complex times. This is just the start and we’ll be announcing many exciting new projects over the coming weeks and months.

The website is divided into three broad categories; ideas, discussion and action. The ideas section reflects our continued belief in the importance of deep thinking and analysis based around our core values of democracy, equality and sustainability. The discussion section reflects our belief in the importance of dialogue, conversation and political education. The action section is a space for you to get involved in making change happen.

Some other highlights include:

  • A space for people to ‘share your story’, a powerful way to unite activists and build shared understanding.

  • A great library with audio and video recordings of our events.

  • A new series of videos on the theme of ‘An Open Tribe’ with Jon Cruddas, Francesca Klug, Victor Adebowale, Natalie Bennett and more!

We’re happy with the new look and feel of the website but ultimately what will make or break this website as a forum for discussion and action is how often you, our members and supporters engage with it. We hope you can play your part in helping it to become the engaging, open, respectful and discursive place that Compass is offline.

We’d love to hear our comments and feedback on the new website. To do so leave a comment in the box below.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to our new website

  1. Like the new site. well done to everyone involved in getting it up and running as I know it is a big job.

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