Letter: The Government should stop intervening in early education

This letter first appeared in The Daily Telegraph on 11/9/2013 and was signed by Compass Chair Neal Lawson

We are deeply concerned about the impact of the Government’s early years policies on the health and wellbeing of our youngest children. The early years of life are when children establish the values and mindsets that underpin their sense of self, their attitude to later learning, and their communicative skills and natural creativity.

Though early childhood is recognised world-wide as a crucial stage in its own right, Ministers in England persist in viewing it simply as a preparation for school. The term ‘school readiness’ is now dominating policy pronouncements, despite considerable criticism from the sector.

The role of play is being down-valued in England’s nurseries. For many children today, nursery education provides their only opportunity for the active, creative and outdoor play which is recognised by psychologists as vital for physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. However, two key qualifications currently being drawn up for nursery teachers and child carers no longer require training in how children learn through play. Indeed current policy suggestions would mean that the tests and targets which dominate primary education will soon be foisted upon four-year-olds.

Research does not support an early start to testing and quasi-formal teaching, but provides considerable evidence to challenge it. Very few countries have a school starting age as young as four, as we do in England. Children who enter school at six or seven – after several years of high quality nursery education – consistently achieve better educational results as well as higher levels of wellbeing. The success of Scandinavian systems suggests that many intractable problems in English education – such as the widening gap in achievement between rich and poor, problems with boys’ literacy, and the ‘summerborns’ issue – could be addressed by fundamentally re-thinking our early years policies.

Instead of pursuing an enlightened approach informed by global best practice, successive ministers have prescribed an ever-earlier start to formal learning. This can only cause profound damage to the self-image and learning dispositions of a generation of children. We as a sector are now uniting to demand a stop to such inappropriate intervention and that early years policy-making be put in the hands of those who truly understand the developmental needs and potential of young children.

Wendy Ellyatt 
Founding Director and CEO, Save Childhood Movement

Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green
Former first Children’s Commissioner for England, Professor Emeritus of Child Health University College London

Professor Lord Richard Layard
Director, Well-Being Programme, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics

Professor Guy Claxton
Co-Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning and Professor of the Learning Sciences, at the University of Winchester

John Freeman 
Past Joint President, Association of Directors of Children’s Services

Dr David Whitebread
Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology and Early Education, University of Cambridge

Barry Sheerman MP (Lab)
Chair of The Skills Commission; Chair, Labour Party Commission on School to Work; Co Chair, All-Party Group on Bullying; Co-Chair, Westminster Children’s Commission

Penelope Leach
Psychologist and Director, Mindful Policy Group

Susie Orbach
Psychoanalyst, writer and social critic

Christine Blower
General Secretary, National Union of Teachers (NUT)

Dr Mary Bousted
General Secretary, Association of Teachers and Lecturers

Chris Keates
General Secretary, NASUWT

Deborah Lawson
General Secretary, VOICE, The Union for Education Professionals

Ben Thomas
National Officer, UNISON Children’s Services

Neal Lawson
Chair, Compass

Melian Mansfield
Chair, Early Childhood Forum (ECF)

Sue Palmer
Independent writer, consultant and presenter

Purnima Tanuku OBE
Chief Executive, National Day Nurseries Association

Neil Leitch
Chief Executive, Pre-School Learning Alliance

Liz Bayram
Chief Executive, PACEY

Wendy Scott 
President, TACTYC

Margaret Morrissey
Founder, Parents Outloud

Emeritus Professor Philip Gammage 
Former Chair TACTYC; former President BAECE; Foundation de Lissa Chair in EC, South Australia, former Dean University of Nottingham

Professor Emerita Janet Moyles
Early Years Consultant

Dr Richard House
Senior Lecturer in Education (Early Childhood), University of Winchester and Chair, Early Childhood Action (ECA)

Annette Brooke MP (Lib Dem)
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Children, Young People and Families 2004 – 2010

Melanie Gill
Founder of the Mindful Policy Group

Patrick Holford
CEO, Food for the Brain Foundation

Professor Kevin J. Brehony
Froebel Professor of Early Childhood Studies, Froebel College, Roehampton University

Ben Hasan
Chair of the National Campaign for Real Nursery Education (NCRNE)

Adrian Voce
Independent writer and consultant, Founder of Play England

Catherine Prisk
Director, Play England

Marguerite Hunter Blair
Chief Executive, Play Scotland

Mike Greenaway
Director, Play Wales

Professor Michael Patte
Co-editor, The International Journal of Play

David Lorimer
Chief Executive, Character Scotland

Tanith Carey
Parenting journalist, author of Where Has My Little Girl Gone? How to Protect Your Daughter from Growing Up Too Soon

Margaret Edgington
Independent Early Years Education Consultant

Janni Nicol 
Early Childhood Representative for Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship UK

Kim Simpson
Nursery Head Teacher and Founding Director, Save Childhood Movement

Penny Webb 
Childminder, Founder of the One Voice Site

June O’Sullivan 
CEO, London Early Years Foundation

Titus Alexander
Convenor, Democracy Matters

Sally Goddard Blythe
Director, The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP Ltd)

Professor Barry Carpenter 
Professor, Early Childhood Intervention, University of Worcester

Professor Colin Richards HMI (retd) 
Emeritus Professor University of Cumbria

Dr Barbara Taylor
General Secretary, National Association for Small Schools

Grethe Hooper-Hansen
Independent Consultant

Anne Nelson
Early years specialist, former chief executive of the British Association for Early Childhood Education (BAECE)

Professor J David Ingleby
Centre for Social Science and Global Health, University of Amsterdam

Professor Rita Jordan
Emeritus Professor in Autism Studies, University of Birmingham

Dr Ana Marjanovic-Shane
Professor, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, USA

Richard Masters
Manager, Hermes Trust

Tobin Hart
Professor of Psychology, University of West Georgia, USA

Jane Joyce

Dr Jennifer Patterson
Senior Lecturer in Education, Principle Investigator Natural Learning and Environments, University of Greenwich

Pat Petrie
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Education, University of London

Dr Bronwen Rees
Former Director, Centre for Transformational Management Practice, Anglia Ruskin University

Professor Andrew Samuels

Pippa Smith
Co-Chairman, Safermedia

Miranda Suit
Co-Chairman, Safermedia

Brian Thorne
Emeritus Professor, University of East Anglia

Annie Davy
Early Years Adviser, Author and Consultant

Jo White
Head of Portman Early Childhood Centre

Dr Carolyn Morris
Senior Lecturer Early childhood Studies, Middlesex University

Laura Henry
Managing Director, Childcare Consultancy, UK representative for the World Forum in Early Care and Education

Edwina Mitchell
Independent Researcher

Elizabeth Jarman
Managing Director, The Elizabeth Jarman® Group

Maggie Fisher
Representative for Community Practitioners’ and Health Visitors’ Association (CPHVA)

Juno Hollyhock
Executive Director, Learning through Landscapes

Barbara Isaacs
Director of National Strategies, Montessori St. Nicholas Charity

Pauline Trudell
Vice President, The National Campaign for Real Nursery Education

Dr Carole Ulanowsky
Social Researcher

Dr Helen Prochazka
Director, the Montessori Partnership

Lydia Keyte 
Chair, What about the Children

Leigh-Anne Stradeski
Chief executive, Eureka National Children’s Museum

Marie Peacock
EYPS, Mothers At Home Matter

Helen Ruffles
Head teacher/Head of Centre, Netherton Park Nursery School and Children’s Centre

Barbara Patterson
Author of Beyond the Rainbow Bridge – nurturing our children from birth to seven years

Fiona Carnie
Vice President, European Forum for Freedom in Education

Gabriel Millar
Teacher and Therapist

Professor Fraser Brown
Playwork Team, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Leeds Metropolitan University

Adrian Ramsay
Green Party Home Affairs spokesperson

Rod Parker-Rees
Coordinator of Early Childhood Studies. Plymouth University

Mary Macomber Leue
Founder and Director-emeritus of The Albany Free School, NY

Vincent Nolan
Ex Trustee, Synectics Education Initiative

Sue Cox
Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia

Julie Fisher
Independent Early Years Adviser & Visiting Professor Early Childhood Education at Oxford Brooke’s University

Rosa Collins
Early Years Consultant

Marie-Louise Charlton
Early Years Education Consultant

Aonghus Gordon
Founder and Executive Chair, Ruskin Mill Trust

Catriona Nason
Managing Director, Daycare Doctor

Elizabeth Steinthal
Head Teacher, Educare Small School

Shirley Brooks
Senior Lecturer in Early Years Care & Education, University of Winchester

Professor Del Loewenthal
University of Roehampton

Dr Simon Boxley
Undergraduate Programme Leader, Dept Education Studies, University of Winchester

Derek Bunyard
Senior Lecturer in Education Studies & Liberal Arts, University of Winchester

Jess Edwards
Charter for Primary Education coordinator and Lambeth National Union of Teachers

Dr Bridget Egan
Senior Lecturer, Education, Health and Social Care, University of Winchester

Dr Richard Eke
School of Education, University of the West of England

Sue Gerhardt
Author of Why Love Matters

Dr Gillian Proctor
Clinical Psychologist and author

Dr Sebastian Suggate
Lecturer in education, University of Regensburg

Kathryn Solly
Early Years Specialist, Former maintained nursery school head, a member of ECF, NET, NCRNE, Early Education, and NAHT

Barbara Bedingfield
Founding Director, Suncoast School, Florida

Nancy Blanning
Early Childhood Developmental specialist, Denver, Col., USA

Richard Brinton
Educator, former Principal, Hawkwood College, Stroud

Katharine Brown
Early Childhood Educator, Middleton, Mass., USA

Dr Julia Cayne
Psychotherapist and Visiting Lecturer, Centre for Therapeutic Education, University of Roehampton

Peggy Day-Hakker 
Lead Writer, Australian Steiner Curriculum Preschool Director, Sydney, Australia

Betty Jane Enno
WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America) Regional Representative

Eric Gidseg
Department of Elementary Education, State University of New York

Lavinia Gomez
Writer and researcher

Sherry Jennings
Early childhood educator

Yvonne LaMontagne RN
Early childhood educator

Dawn McCoy
Former Waldorf kindergarten assistant, Potomac Crescent School, Arlington, Virg., USA

Pearse B O Shiel

Heidi Anne Porter
Waldorf Kindergarten Teacher

Sylvie Hétu
Early years educator, international Trainer for IAIM and MISA

Rosemeire Laviano
Maiana Educacional, Brazil

Denise Sachs
Davina Muse Simplicity Parenting

David Adams
Sierra College, Grass Valley, Calif, USA

Vicki Kingsbury
Early Childhood Teacher, Pewaukee, WI

Manali Mehta
Director, Shrishti Pre-Kindergarten, Mumbai. India

Margaret Sham 
M.Sc.(Steiner Educ.), Italy

Dr Jane Payler
Senior Lecturer in Early Years Education, University of Winchester

Brian Strutton
General Secretary of the GMB Union

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