The New Settlement: For a Better Society

Almost everyone recognises that we are at a turning point. Unless we transform our society, our economy and our democracy, we will face a downward spiral.
The 2024 general election result brings a welcome relief to UK politics. Some better ideas and people are at the helm. But we desperately need a new paradigm.
The New Settlement for a Better Society, a new report from cross-party campaign group Compass, seeks to establish the guiding principles and building blocks of a society that is much more equal, democratic and sustainable.
The failures of the last few decades are self-evident, but we know that while formal politics claims that little more can be done, there are others in the UK and around the world who are creating the conditions for a Good Society. Much of what we are told is impossible here, is already accepted practice elsewhere. A better world isn’t just an aspiration for tomorrow, it is here already. We just need to see it, believe in it and back it.
The New Settlement is a project instigated by Compass but involving many others. Its purpose is to address the vision and ideas gap between what our country and its people need and the existing offer of formal politics. Set within the context of the moral and evidential failure of neoliberalism, it seeks to establish the guiding principles and building blocks of a New Settlement that is much more equal, democratic and sustainable.
Other New Settlement publications:
Member background papers