Over the Party Wall – Local Elections in 2024: The Progressive Majority at a Crossroads

This report brings together our research on the councils and mayors up for election in May 2024, the democratic deficit in those races, the potential progressive tragedies and quotes from a series of interviews with progressive leaders.
Across the country, particularly at local government level, activists and politicians are already working together to create the alliances that will help us challenge this Tory hegemony and build a better, more representative politics.
In Over the Party Wall – Local Elections in 2024: The Progressive Majority at a Crossroads, we lay out our new research that reveals a huge democratic deficit at the heart councils across the country – and the stakes of the regressive change to use First Past the Post to elect Mayors. The report explains why our political system creates such unrepresentative outcomes and explores what we can do to help progressives win.
#WinAsOne is a campaign initiated by pressure group Compass to elect progressive MPs at the next general election who back Proportional Representation and will work together to create and deliver the bold, radical change our politics and country needs.
For more information visit winasone.org.uk.