Our Water Our Way: A democratic case for public ownership of water

We all know our water system was broken when it was privatised. Passing an essential of life that is a natural monopoly into private and profit maximising hands was always going to lead to disaster. Yet there is a solution that unites our desire for an economy that works for everyone, handing genuine power back to communities through democratic reforms, and the need for real sustainability – public ownership.
Coinciding with our campaign for the public ownership of water, this report delves into why England’s water system is fundamentally broken, and lays out a path for our Government to get us out of this mess.
In the report we recommend the government:
- Reinstate high standards of water quality, require binding affordability targets
- Lay out a clear plan and timeline to reform our failing regulators Ofwat and the Environment Agency
- Commit to exploring the different models of ownership and governance outside of privatisation