Cosmopolitans, communitarians and the new faultline

In recent decades, we have seen a sharp polarisation emerge between communitarian and cosmopolitan concerns. While recognising cultural and material differences between different sections of society, Compass is keen to explore what unites and binds people and how we manage the tensions between the paradox of our need to conserve and our need to modernise. David Edgar helps us locate ourselves in that debate. This Think Piece is based on a draft paper by David which was then discussed at a seminar in Westminster in July. Lisa Nandy and Jon Cruddas responded to the original piece and then there were contributors from people such as Ruth Lister, Francesca Klug and others. David then reviewed his draft based on the comments at the seminar into this publication.
Compass Think Pieces are shorter, sharper and more immediate responses to key issues. They can cover any topic that helps us understand better what a good society should or could look like and how we might get there. We welcome suggestions for future publications, particularly from women and any groups or people in society who are under-represented in the field of political thought and action. Please contact in the first instance.