Compass Management Committee elections 2016 – 2018

We’re really delighted to announce that nominations are open for you to stand for the Compass Management Committee for 2016 – 2018 and hope that members will consider putting yourselves forward – you’ll get to work with us (what a team!) to help Compass continue doing great work in the coming 2 years!
Why serve on the Compass Management Committee?
This is a chance for you as a member to have your say on the organisation’s future. At Compass we are working for a Good Society; one that is much more equal, sustainable and democratic. Serving on our Management Committee is a crucial way of supporting Compass’ work and shaping our direction. We really try to make the MC meetings enjoyable, rewarding and fun.
Compass values diversity and lived experience and we want our Management Committee to reflect the society we live in. We are committed to challenging power and privilege within Compass and in wider politics and society and recognise that organisations, including our own, often perpetuate structures of oppression. We are committed to challenging this and particularly encourage people under-represented in Compass, and in wider politics and campaigning, to nominate themselves. Currently, Black, Asian and minority ethnic people (global majority), young people, LGBTQI+, people with disabilities and people who identify as working class or have done in the past are often the most underrepresented on our Committee.
All the information you could possibly want (and probably more) about nominations and the elections is available as a PDF.
Strength and love,
Jacqui, Ayeisha, Clare and Neal