All You Need to Know about a Progressive Alliance

With a foreword by Clive Lewis MP, Caroline Lucas MP and Layla Moran MP
A progressive alliance for democratic change is the best way to build a new politics for a new society. Indeed, it may be the only way.
Over the last few months there has been a huge amount of interest in the idea of progressive alliances, or alliances for democracy.
But what is a progressive alliance? A healthy debate is developing. But as well as a debate we need a better sense of the direction of travel.
This Compass report sets out the political and electoral case for a progressive alliance. It highlights case studies where progressive alliance tactics are working and draws on electoral data and history. And it offers concrete next steps that we can all take to unlock the progressive majority.
It is accompanied by a foreword by Labour’s Clive Lewis, the Greens’ Caroline Lucas and the Liberal Democrats’ Layla Moran.
A progressive alliance is not a shortcut to winning. Instead, for Compass, it is a deep commitment to changing the culture and structure of our political and democratic system – built from the grassroots up but aided by national leaders.