New campaign launched! Help us reclaim our railways!

Our privatised rail system isn’t working for anyone –  not for commuters who can’t afford price hikes, rural communities who are stranded, travellers who don’t feel safe, businesses who see rising costs or rail workers who are voiceless. The government could save £1.2 billion a year by bringing the railways into public ownership or it could continue to hand over millions in subsidies to a small group of people who own the train companies.

Public ownership of the railways will empower customers and workers and herald a new era of affordable, low emission public transport for Britain.

To build an effective campaign to reclaim our railways we need raise £10,000 so please donate here today.

Your generous donation will go towards:

  • Organising local events all over the UK and hosting a ‘Rail Summit’
  • Helping build an effective narrative around the failure of privatisation and the alternatives to help get the public on side
  • Building a new action focused website
  • Setting out a viable public ownership model

If we work together we believe that we can make public ownership of the railways a reality. Working with the progressive rail union the TSSA and a host of other organisations, this autumn we want to build not just the ideas and policies for a public railway but a coalition to make it happen.

There is great work going on in this area by groups such as Action for Rail and We Own It but we need to build a broad movement of unlikely alliances as well as create a narrative that can win over the general public. Yet we can only do this is if you donate today.

This campaign matters to all of us – to future generations, our planet, the future of public services and all of us who want to be citizens and not just consumers.

Thanking you in advance

2 thoughts on “New campaign launched! Help us reclaim our railways!

  1. We need a campaign to rid Blairites from the Shadow Cabinet. Flint, Twigg et al must all go if Labour has any chance of winning the election.

    This has to be done now

  2. We need a nationally=owned rail-network used by private rail companies in the same way that Air-lines use airports. Very simple

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