Good London takes a deeper look at the issues impacting the lives of people who live and work in London - have listen to an eclectic mix of voices on power, living, moving and working in the capital.
Power with Danny Dorling (Oxford academic and author of A Better Politics)
Gender with Polly Trenow (feminist activist, Women's Budget Group)
Crisis in the city with Matt Nixon (Disraeli Group and author of Pariahs)
Housing with Dawn Foster (Guardian Housing columnist, author of Lean Out) and Rosie Walker (Renters' Rights and co-author of The Rent Trap)
Environment with Amy Cameron (10:10) and Dr Jo Ram (SwitchedOn London)
Youth with Megha Harish and Michelle Tiwo (Barbican Young Poets)
Culture and the Arts with Juliet Jacques (writer, critic and author of Trans: A Memoir) and Carrie Marx (actor, comedian)
Migration and aspiration with Sofia Roupakia (Migrant Rights Network) and Datza Mijailovic (waitress in West London);
The nature of Work and Wellbeing with Will Davies (author of The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold us Well-Being, lecturer at Goldsmiths) and Marissa Begonia (Justice for Domestic Workers)
Science, farming and food with Abi Aspen Glencross (cellular agriculturalist at Kings).