Media Coverage
Compass in the media

Labour accused of meddling after vetoing local authority coalition plans

Labour should treat coalitions as a strength, not a weakness

The environment is just right for the Greens to break through at the next election

Tactical voters don’t need a Lib-Lab pact to punish the Tories

Local elections 2022: How Lib Dems and Greens teamed up to block the Tories in Richmond

There is a way to oust the Tories, and stop them ever rising again. Why won’t we do it?

Anti-Tory coalition leaves party reeling and ministers at risk after polls disaster

Inside the Lib Dem and Labour assault on Tory commuterville

Labour urged to join forces with Lib Dems and Greens in new plot to oust Tories

Mapped: Dozens of ‘blue wall’ councils being targeted by tactical voters