We believe there is a Progressive Majority out there to created and mobilised – not just to win an election but to be a big part of the transformation of our country.
But it demands our political parties are won own over to collaboration.
We have four years.
We have to start now, on the anniversary of the 2019 election, and build from here.
So as well as working across all parties and none, Compass is launching party groups: Compass Labour, Compass Lib Dems, and Compass Greens, to provide a platform and opportunity for members to organise for progressive cooperation and build bridges within and between parties.
Read the founding statements here: Green Party | Labour | Lib Dem
Soon, we’ll also be launching a Non-Aligned group for people who aren’t affiliated to any party – you might be part of the flourishing, radical Independent movement around Flatpack Democracy, for example. You might be part of a Flatpack Democracy group, or you might not feel connected to any political party, but want to find and work with others who share your political outlook.
These groups will help push the case for alliances in each party, in their own voice, with their familiarity of their own party. They will convene meetings, coordinate motions at conference, organise cross-party campaigns, invite speakers from other parties, push for greater pluralism in party affairs.
Read the founding statements here: Green Party | Labour | Lib Dem
Like everything we do, these groups will be driven by Compass Members. Click here to become a member.
Please: use this form to tell us how you’d like to be part of it.
I will never, ever vote for the Lib Dems, ever. I feel so strongly about this. I voted for them in 2010 because our mp was telling us the lib dems were the only party who could keep the tories out of power in our area. And then Nick Clegg was saying things I agreed with. I bought all of Nick Clegg’s lies and he and the lib dems betrayed us. I wrote to our local lib dem mp after they signed up to the tory austerity agenda which caused my family so much pain but he didn’t care at all, not one bit! I am still so angry about this. We are still nowhere near back to any kind of recovery. I will never trust anything that has the lib dems involved. I am going to fill in the boxes below but, pay attention, I don’t want corporate emails. I will never vote for anything, ever that the lib dems are involved in.
JUst curious how you are handling Europe. Not pro- anti-Brexit or the current issue of voting with Johnson for his Deal instead of keeping a prudent distance as it will not work out well.
But more what thinking on post-Brexit links with Europe, learning from Europe, working with sister parties etc