Intimidation has no place in a seat of learning

An open letter to The University of London signed by Compass Chair Neal Lawson along with over 100 academics and members of higher education trade unions around the UK,  Full list to be published on

We unreservedly condemn the escalating use of police against peaceful protests at the University of London. It seems clear that the university management is not negotiating with students and staff who protest – including occupying students – but is simply attempting to suppress dissent. We condemn the blanket injunction that prohibits occupations in Bloomsbury campuses until June 2014.

We call on all who care about the future of our universities to object to this invited invasion of the police onto campuses. Police intimidation has no place in a seat of learning. Many staff and students have fled repressive regimes. We are horrified at supposedly “liberal” university managements adopting these tactics.

We demand an immediate repudiation of the injunction by the university management, no more police on campus, and for management to engage with students and staff about the concerns that led to the protests in the first place.

This letter first appeared in the Guardian on 09/12/13

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