In praise of Brighton's tax vote

Today we’ve published an open letter in the Guardian congratulating Brighton Council on their decision to hold a referendum on whether to increase council tax to pay for essential services. If you would like to add your name please email and as ever, please let us know your thoughts by commenting below.

The decision of Brighton council to hold a referendum on whether to increase council tax to pay for essential services is a bold commitment to democracy and equality. Everyone is feeling squeezed as a result of the Tories’ draconian cuts to local government and public services, but a political contest over which party will manage austerity more effectively won’t change the terms of debate. Money raised collectively, spent collectively and targeted where there is the most need is as essential in Brighton as it is across the UK. A “good politics” must also be measured in other ways than just the cost of living – in solidarity to protect public services and in the vibrancy of the public realm, where democratic power trumps consumer power. As belief in politics withers, here is an example of a local council trusting the people to make a big decision. They should be applauded.

Professor Ruth Lister Chair of Compass MC
Neal Lawson Chair, Compass
John Hilary Executive director, War On Want
Professor Richard Sennett LSE
David Arnold Brighton Labour party member and trade unionist
Heather Wakefield Unison
Anthony Barnett Open Democracy
Linda Jack Liberal Left
Indra Adnan Soft Power Network/The Downing Street Network
Dr David McCoy Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry and chair of Medact
Lynsey Hanley Journalist
David Walker Author
Stuart White Jesus College, Oxford
Guy Standing Soas
Andrew Simms NEF
Brendan Martin Public World
Professor John Weeks University of London
Pippa Bartolotti, Leader, Wales Green Party
Keith Taylor MEP
Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader
Matthew Butcher, Green Party
Andrew Percy, UK Life Party
Martin Yarnit, Fighting Austerity
Andrew Worthley, City University London
Howard Reed, Director of Landman Economics
Mark Perryman, Philosophy Football
Rupert Read, Green House
Patrick Harvey, MSP
Maggie Chapman, Co-Convenor Scottish Greens
Alison Johnstone MSP
David Hall-Matthews
, Social Liberal Forum
Jon Rogers, Chair, Hanover and Elm Grove Branch Labour Party

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