Help reclaim the power


Reclaim the Power – the camp is moving to Balcombe!

It’s an ‘all hands on deck’ moment for the community at Balcombe, and the wider struggle they represent. We need to stand with them.

For months, climate, economic, anti-austerity and fuel poverty campaigners have been working together to mobilise for a mass action at West Burton power station, Nottinghamshire, to challenge the devastating ‘dash for gas’ and the culture of corporate power. And with just two weeks to go, it’s moving venue.

 With hours of careful planning and  hundreds with train tickets at the ready the recent announcement to move to Balcombe, West Sussex, was a bold, slightly risky, but undeniably important decision.

It’s because right here, right now, there is community in Balcombe on the frontline of the fight for a better energy future, and they need more support.

For two weeks they have linked arms, blockaded roads, provoked an escalating national media debate and built a participatory camp and hub of community support to resist fossil fuel extraction. It’s inspirational, and if we want to win, we need more of it.

While fracking is only a part of the wider dash for gas, it’s a critical one, and currently the ‘sweet spot’ promise which masks the reality of heightened dependence on increasingly expensive gas imports.

We are not expecting the ‘shale revolution’ of the US, and both George Osborne and Cuadrilla openly admit their fracking project isn’t going to reduce bills. It’s is a shortsighted non-solution to an energy problem to which we have clean, sustainable, equitable answers, and we need to show it as such.  

We will be accused of ‘hijacking’ a local campaign by those who oppose us. We’re happy that 85% of the community are against Cuadrillas advances, and that we’re responding to genuine calls for support. Many of the Reclaim the Power logistics team are already there.

We all have a stake in an energy system that provides safe, sustainable and affordable power into the future. If we can defeat fracking at Balcombe, a test case for the rest of the country, we can better stand up for the 64% of our land and communities with drilling concessions already planned.

It’s not that EDF and West Burton are being let off the hook either. Apart from a neat blow to the gas agenda, one of the most powerful things about any camp or community resistance is the ideas, inspiration and networks built that strengthen our movement for change and ability to stand up against injustice.

So to West Burton: it’s goodbye for now, but don’t worry – we’ll be back soon. And we’ll be bringing Balcombe too.

We have to defeat the dash for gas, and Balcombe is a key pressure point in the struggle. Join us to Reclaim the Power on the 16th – 21st August, and help make that moment count. You never know, you may even enjoy it.

More information about the camp, getting involved and getting there can be found at:

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