Education: Come shape the future January 18th

Join us January 18th in the wonderful Coin Street Community centre on London’s Southbank and help us figure out what we want the future of education to look and feel like.

To kick start the conversation, Tristram Hunt MP the Shadow Education Secretary will be interviewed by Jane Roberts and then you. Christine Blower of the NUT, Campaign4Consent, StudentVoice and many others will be on hand to help guide the conversation but we need you to be a part of it so book your place today- there are a few tickets left.

The aim of the day is to flesh out some tricky questions related to the Compass/NUT Education Inquiry, explore the essence of our developing model, and open up the floor to what you want to talk about – all in participatory and creative ways.The Inquiry’s working groups and Inquiry Council have helped develop an interim report which we will send out next week.

We’ve got a great place to meet, talk and discuss. We have some ideas but you have many more and we need you to tell us how to shape the Inquiry to become the most influential education project ever. See here for timings and agenda. If you cannot make it, there are loads of other ways to get involved.

So sign up now – ticket prices are to cover the venue costs but if you have trouble affording one please reply to this email as we have some free tickets available. This is our biggest and most ambitious project to date in terms of policy and research and I hope to see you there on the 18th.

PS We recently had an education event in Liverpool and will be announcing one in Birmingham soon – we really want this to be a nationwide Inquiry so if you would like to help host an education event where you are please reply to this email.

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