Ed Balls – don't give Osborne a 'get out of jail free card'

A week from now George Osborne will set out his spending plans for 2015 -16 and aims to continue austerity beyond the next General Election. This is no surprise to anyone.

Importantly, Ed Balls will have to respond to Osborne’s Spending Review and set out the Labour Party’s plans. Ed has continually said – the Government are cutting too far too fast. So let’s make sure Ed Balls stays on the right path and doesn’t stray onto the austerity agenda.

Send Ed a message of encouragement to stick to his guns and not give George Osborne a ‘get out of jail free card’ by echoing Tory spending plans. Click the picture below to send him an email today.

Economically the cuts are devastating and politically backing George Osborne now will be disastrous. So take action today and let’s make sure we move towards an economic model that works for people and the planet.

Instead of cuts we should be investing in social and green infrastructure, this would create jobs to reduce the benefits bill. Once recovery is assured we can cut the deficit by setting tough borrowing rules, increasing taxes, making public services more responsive and cutting back on wasteful projects like Trident. Compass will be releasing an ‘alternative spending review’ next week which explains exactly how we can do that.

0 thoughts on “Ed Balls – don't give Osborne a 'get out of jail free card'

  1. I for the life of me cannot see a reason to even bother sending a pre written reply to Ball’s not after his and Miliband speech the other night.
    I have no worry really which party wins I will be in the firing line

  2. I did not agred with you because replaicing one economical model with onother one.
    We will lose money and time.
    Need reduce eco damage tax and payments and instoled more receiclers.
    Kind regards
    Lady Ivett

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