The question of a Progressive Alliance is now on the political agenda. Calls for an anti-tory alliance are heard from figures as diverse as Corbynite MP Clive Lewis, Corbyn aligned…
28 Oct, 2016
How would a Good Society look and feel? And how do we move towards it? Read our blog, comment, share and get involved in the debate.
28 Oct, 2016
The question of a Progressive Alliance is now on the political agenda. Calls for an anti-tory alliance are heard from figures as diverse as Corbynite MP Clive Lewis, Corbyn aligned…
27 Oct, 2016
In the weeks and months following the 23rd June, there has been no shortage of insightful commentators queuing up to explain the root causes of the Brexit vote. Most of…
26 Oct, 2016
A progressive alliance isn’t something we build for the future, but something we can create right now. Zac Goldsmith has given us a chance in Richmond Park – we must…
22 Oct, 2016
The left lives in two worlds at exactly the same time. In one world the left is in a grave existential crisis. This is the left of the 20th century.…
21 Oct, 2016
The turmoil of politics both in this country and others have been breathtaking by any standards in the last 12 months. Who could have predicted Brexit, Trump, or even a…
10 Oct, 2016
Compass volunteer Chuck Dreyer writes about the recent South West Surrey Compass meeting which asked: where now for Progressive Politics? The growing passion for a new kind of politics was…
05 Oct, 2016
Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, has joined forces with the leaders of Plaid Cymru and the Green Party to call for progressive parties to work together to resist…
03 Oct, 2016
Anyone expecting the revolution will surely have walked into Liverpool’s gleaming Convention Centre and wondered where it was. The Labour party conference might now be Jeremy Corbyn’s domain, but it was all…
29 Sep, 2016
On behalf of Compass I had the huge pleasure of going to Labour’s conference in Liverpool and speaking at about 10 different events – mostly on proportional representation (PR) and…
23 Sep, 2016
Compass is organising and participating in a range of events on politics, progressive alliances and universal basic income to coincide with the Labour Party conference. All events are free, outside…
22 Sep, 2016
Compass, as our name suggests, is always on a journey. We started by just wanting to influence the direction of the Labour party, but we have grown into something much…
21 Sep, 2016
Mark Perryman revisits 1936 when anti-fascism was the cause home and abroad ‘ Hurrah for the Blackshirts!’ The notorious Daily Mail headline is just one chilling indication of the very…