This article is aimed at outlining a strategy to create authentically progressive communities, and help them to spread values such as social justice within society. Through the creation of progressive…
28 Feb, 2017
How would a Good Society look and feel? And how do we move towards it? Read our blog, comment, share and get involved in the debate.
28 Feb, 2017
This article is aimed at outlining a strategy to create authentically progressive communities, and help them to spread values such as social justice within society. Through the creation of progressive…
24 Feb, 2017
At the end of the film Terminator 2 Sarah Connor looks across the New Mexico desert and says ‘there is a storm coming’. That storm is here. The aftermath of…
24 Feb, 2017
Most misunderstandings concerning basic income arise from exaggeration about what a basic income can or ought to achieve. This is illustrated in reasonable points raised by Ruth Lister in her…
20 Feb, 2017
I was for a time a serious competitive middle distance runner, nurtured on the mantra of the great Franz Stampfl who coached Bannister to the four minute mile: “Go on…
17 Feb, 2017
After Thomas Paine published Agrarian Justice in 1795, it was for a long time thought to contain one of the earliest proposals for a form of basic income. He proposed…
08 Feb, 2017
Democracy occupies a special place in our hearts. Conceived in Ancient Greece, debated over in the Magna Carta and fought over in the English Civil Wars; the right of the…
10 Feb, 2017
Life is not a level playing field. From our birth to our death, each of our journeys is never quite the same. Nature and Nurture play a fundamental role in…
06 Feb, 2017
Here we go again – another blow to our fondly-held beliefs about democracy! This book not only repeats many of the criticisms of democracy made in Democracy for Realists by…
03 Feb, 2017
England, 2017 It’s 5:15am and the alarm goes off. My husband Daz is very disciplined in the morning and leaps out of bed to pull on his hoody and road-smelling…
30 Jan, 2017
After a terrible 2016 for neoliberalism, 2017 is also going to be a very dangerous year, for what is perceived by many as democracy, by others as the dominant establishment.…
27 Jan, 2017
Feminist debates have been central to discussions on the benefits and pitfalls of a Universal Basic Income for women and what this would mean for gender equality. Much of this…
23 Jan, 2017
There’s lots of discussion on the centre-left about the idea of a ‘progressive alliance’ that could offer a united alternative to the increasingly rightward drift of the Tories and of…