Following the lively panel and open space session at our recent conference Leaving the 20th Century, we’d like to start a conversation with our members and supporters about how we…
25 Apr, 2019
How would a Good Society look and feel? And how do we move towards it? Read our blog, comment, share and get involved in the debate.
25 Apr, 2019
Following the lively panel and open space session at our recent conference Leaving the 20th Century, we’d like to start a conversation with our members and supporters about how we…
15 Apr, 2019
Ever since the 2017 general election, when we ran the Progressive Alliance campaign and Britain narrowly missed out on the prospect of a progressive coalition government, we have been thinking…
02 Apr, 2019
Our annual general meeting (AGM) - where members decide about Compass' future - takes place on Saturday 6th April from 3.30pm at Mary Ward House in London. As a member…
18 Mar, 2019
There is no single silver bullet policy to create a Good Society – but basic income is the closest there is. It opens up some big questions: what is a good…
15 Feb, 2019
Our petition demanding a Citizens’ Assembly for Brexit has now reached 75k signatories and we’ve been looking at the comments to find out more about why this solution to the…
18 Feb, 2019
The announcement today that seven Labour MPs have renounced the whip and are setting up as independents comes as no surprise. The seven spoke of their personal reasons for leaving…
17 Dec, 2018
Our politics and our parliament is in deadlock over Brexit. But if we choose to learn from other countries in how we resolve our differences, this could be a moment…
16 Nov, 2018
With all the talk of a possible general election it is worth reflecting on the possibilities for a Progressive Alliance. The Progressive Alliance (PA) reached maximum recognition at two points…
28 Oct, 2018
2018 marks the centenary of the Representation of the People Act which, in 1918 conceded that men aged 21 and above should be allowed to vote and that women should…
19 Oct, 2018
Part 2 showed how division is one of the major mechanisms holding exploitative forms of society in place, and how inequality and oppression function to produce division. Here, we look…
17 Oct, 2018
Two and a half years ago the UK saw the biggest democratic revolution of a generation. The vote for Brexit had been a long time coming. Millions of our fellow…
10 Oct, 2018
Part 2: division and oppression Part 1 looked at how individual mistreatment can become self-perpetuating and evolve into structural oppression, and how punishment and blame lock this in place. Part…