Ever been spoken over at work? Or excluded from a decision-making process because of arbitrary classifications of authority in the workplace? I have. It struck me as both annoying and…
28 Jul, 2020
How would a Good Society look and feel? And how do we move towards it? Read our blog, comment, share and get involved in the debate.
28 Jul, 2020
Ever been spoken over at work? Or excluded from a decision-making process because of arbitrary classifications of authority in the workplace? I have. It struck me as both annoying and…
23 Jul, 2020
“Although the Covid-19 crisis has caused grim new problems for Leicester’s garment workers, the exploitation detailed in the report is not new. Concerns about working conditions and illegally low pay…
20 Jul, 2020
June 2020 saw voting reform take place. This reform was not a change to the voting system for Westminster elections, but how one third of Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC)…
15 Jul, 2020
The coronavirus crisis has made it heartbreakingly obvious that we are all connected. Boris Johnson himself, still recovering from the virus, felt the need to contradict Margaret Thatcher, saying ‘there…
14 Jul, 2020
The article was originally published at Vulnerability 360. Throughout the lockdown, and now an extended lockdown, in our home city, Leicestershire cares staff have been working with a range of…
06 Jul, 2020
Community resilience is a vital component of social and economic recovery. Communities themselves have risen to the occasion magnificently. But to enable them to sustain this high level of involvement…
03 Jul, 2020
The blog was originally posted on https://ideasforlife.blog. Mindfulness has been largely appropriated by the Western cult of the individual and science-led therapeutic interventions. The concern is that mindfulness acts as…
29 Jun, 2020
The article originally appeared in Political Mindfulness: Fresh Perspectives on Multiple Crises’, a Compass publication edited by Phil Cohen. In his pamphlet 45˚ Change, Neal Lawson warns that ‘in all…
17 Jun, 2020
In the aftermath of World War II Dr John Bowlby created a theory of infant attachment that proposed the most important outcome of early childhood was to connect the child…
15 Jun, 2020
Many of us who are awake to the climate nightmare cycle through periods of despair on the one hand and desperate hope against hope on the other. We veer between…
12 Jun, 2020
As the first empirical comparative study (published by the OECD) into deliberative democracy emphatically shows that citizen participation in public decision making delivers better policies, strengthens democracy, and builds trust,…
05 Jun, 2020
A decade of economic hardship seemed to have transformed for increasingly urban workforces the promise of shorter working weeks and better work-life balances into bleaker futures, of stressed commuting, working…