Management Committee Election Results

We are pleased to announce the results of this year’s Management Committee elections.

Thank you to all of you who stood for election and to those of you who voted. Those elected onto the Management Committee are:

– Ruth Lister
– Francesca Klug
– Sue Goss
– Neal Lawson
– Victor Anderson
– Swatantra Nandanwar
– Martin O’Neill
– Mark Cooke

In addition, the representatives for Wales, Russell Elliott, Scotland, Willie Sullivan and our Parliamentary representative Lisa Nandy MP are elected unopposed as were those who stood to be on our Compass Youth committee.

For a full breakdown of the results please click here. This year we had a lower voting turn out. Clearly as we are passionate about democracy we need to discuss why this has happened. Most aspects of our work are very healthy, attendance at events, responses to appeals, volunteering and so on but we need to think about our internal democracy.  

Are you happy with what we are doing? Does the Management Committee matter to you? What would make you more likely to vote? The new Management Committee will conduct a review and we will make sure that we give space to talk about Compass’ internal democracy at our AGM this year.

If you have any thoughts or views do email us or ring on 0207 463 0631.

Again thank you to all of you who took part in the elections and I look forward to seeing many of you at our annual Conference on November 30th. To book your ticket and for more information visit

2 thoughts on “Management Committee Election Results

  1. Comment from a non voter. I have never understood the role of the committee or its contribution to Compass’ programmes and activity. I don’t understand if and how it affects what I do on education. Maybe a note of its meetings should be available on line.

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