Living Wage Commission launched

Today launches a new Compass initiative – the Living Wage Commission.

Chaired by the Archbishop of York John Sentamu, The Living Wage Commission is an independent, 12 month inquiry into the future of the Living Wage bringing together leading figures from business, trade unions and civil society.

You can read all about it on the front page of today’s Observer here and on the Commission website here.


2 thoughts on “Living Wage Commission launched

  1. A good initiative but it comes much too late. During teh l i8fetiem of the Labour government it was often trumpeted tht the minimum wage was oneof its ‘achievements’.
    This wasa complete sham as it was not actually nforced except at teh margins. Many were excluded from this alleged minimum. And uncontrolled mass immigration (supported by the Left) meant that it could not be actually enforced.
    It created a reserve army of labour.
    I donot recall Compass ever making a statement about this nor about mass uncontrolled immigration.
    I also strongly object to the chairmanship by an archbishop. The Church lives on subventions from the state and is in a very privleged position.

  2. The min wage was a good idea sadly set way to low, Immigration was it social engineering, well maybe.

    The left backed immigration, oh do you really think so, well I or the others in my Local party did not that’s for sure.

    The church has always spoken up about poverty and I do not mind people having a go at politicians not one bit of it, nobody is listening to me.

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