New 'Open Tribe' video interview published

Please listen to this 1 minute video explaining the interview series:

For now please enjoy my Open Tribe interviews with:

  • Robin Murray (coming soon)


It all started with a conversation at Compass’ 2012 AGM. 

I had the honour of chairing  a conversation between Hilary Wainwright and David Marquand. What particularly struck me was an exchange about the importance of pluralism, generosity and openness to new ideas – at the same time as valuing solidarity and collective action. The question that arose was: “Could we, in this day and age, re-create a tribal sense of togetherness without re-creating the insularity of the old labour movement – can we create an open tribe?”

And so I have started interviewing some wonderful thinkers and doers to ask them the same question about open tribes. I will be interviewing many more people and if you would like to be interviewed or have any suggestions please do let Rosie in the office know.

0 thoughts on “New 'Open Tribe' video interview published

  1. A great idea and about time. I don’t really understand how the poltical party delineations are relevant as they stand anyway? Surely we have moved beyond that simplistic model of Labour/Cons and another.

  2. Party politics often fail with short terms, policy of a tribe and fail with transparency. If you use facebook then you are party of a membership of various views and consensus is made with a simple like. What we need is direct participation and inclusion in a future and not politics. Social democracy is very possible and a small step away from social media. Have a look at as its open-source and free and realise that oxwall adapted for social democracy would give a platform for many and cost very little to achieve. Open tribe would be much better providing a platform for Social democracy so that they can collaborate and create new forms of community and social governance. It would seem its just a think tank to force their ideas on us.

  3. good on compass to allow that critique. personally its interesting in the term of tribe. all social interactions, friendships, workplaces have in essence a tribal culture. sometimes what is right has allegiances that do not fit. personally I feel the insular tribe is a negative force. so my logic takes place in a forum of tribes with all views. a forum that represents a singular view that has common acceptance, is much more powerful than a tribal message that has doubts. sorry for the cryptic messages but the knowledge exchange methods technologically are very possible. like the comments, there is need, we should discuss and it should be transparent. this is a missing fact in many current control structures.

  4. Great idea! Being tribal often excludes many possibilities and in 2014 I believe, it’s essential that we look outwards and not to be insular. I agree with some ideas of politicians outside my own particular political party (LABOUR) and at Compass Conference where new ideas were forthcoming, it seemed to stimulate even more ideas from various perspectives. Political Parties are a practical way to come together with like minded people and to take action, no question. But sometimes those like minded view are owned by people outside the Labour Party; this is when tribalism can be a negative force.

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